Avex has stated in their homepage that the drama will be on-aired on KNTV from Jan 24 next year. The drama will be broadcasted every Sunday from 9:45pm.
KNTV will broadcast a special program for this drama on Dec 23.
“No Limit~Heading to the Ground” is gathering expectations from Japanese and Asian fans, since the drama is the debut work of Yunho.
Note: The news itself is not new. junsulv has already posted some information concerning this article. However, I would like to add some local information concerning HTTG.
1. The words "No limit" is added to the original translation "Jimenni Heading (T/N HTTG)", making the meaning closer to the original Korean title.
For the original Korean title’s meaning, "Challenge to the impossible." ,please checkhttp://www.onetvxq.com/forums/index.php?sh...701&hl=HTTG for details.
2. KNTV Japan is not one of the main broadcasting channels but one of the cable television (CS) channels on Sky Perfect TV!, a CS channel provider. So you have to make additional investments and pay monthly fees in order to watch the special channel. For your information, you need to pay approximately:
First investment: 13700yen (US$153)
Monthly fees: For watching KNTV: 4190yen (US$47). For watching m-net 2615yen (US$29).
For your information, m-net is a popular CS channel which broadcasts many Korean related programs.
(Please note that the figures may differ case by case, according to your TV settings and surroundings.)
If the drama is successful in the CS channel, it may come out to the regular broadcasting channels, just as the case with Winter Sonata and many other Korean related dramas.
Source: edaily + chosunonline
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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