Entertainment News
2010/03/13 08:46:28
Singer Rain shined to the first place of the star who people wanted to do mouth to mouth transfer of candy on the white day.
As a result of having carried out questioner survey to ask, "The male star who you wish to do mouth to mouth transfer of candy on the white day" at "Monkey 3" site which specializes in music in Korea, Rain was chosen as the first place according to the site that announced it on the 12th. The survey was collected from 3,093 members of "Monkey 3" music site from the 5th until the 11th of March.
Rain got 1,234 supports which are 40% of the total votes and suppressed his rivals and shined on the top.
As for the second place, Yuchun (Micky) of TVXQ, received 23% (708 votes), for the third place, Jang Gunsuku (Actor), and Nichkhun of 2PM received equal number of votes (11%, 333 votes), and G-DRAGON of BIGBANG scored the fourth (10%, 323 votes), followed by Minho of SHINee (5%, 162).
Source: http://www.chosunonline.com/entame/20100313000008 +as tagged
Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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